
Holy Tail

I want this!

Holy Tail


[Holy Tail.zip]
FBX File
Diffuse Map
UV Map

Vertices: 1,199
Edges: 2,401
Faces: 1,202
Triangles: 2,398

The Tail is boned, all you will need to do in Unity is add Phys Bones

Any and all meshes by PolyMage are allowed to be used personally, and commercially.

You may NOT claim as your creation, give, or sell the meshes without editing them yourself.

If used, please give credit to ("thepolymage") on Discord, or "https://jinxxy.com/PolyMage"

All sales are final, there will be no refunds due to this being a digital product.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact PolyMage @ thepolymage@gmail.com or on Discord "thepolymage".


I want this!
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